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2022 (11) NOV 27 Terri giving announcements.JPG

" will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

Acts 1:8

Calvary Missions Overview


One of the ministries of Calvary Baptist Church is missions.  Throughout the year the members and guests of Calvary Baptist Church strive to fulfill the Lord’s command by initiating and participating in missions.  The objective of our participation is to obey God and actively share in His desire that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).


Since Calvary’s inception in 1948, its mission fields have been its church family, the city and community, the state, and ultimately, the world.  Calvary participates in local missions benefitting the Franklin County Women and Family Shelter Transitional Housing Programs, Access Soup Kitchen & Men’s Shelter, Avenues for Women, and the Emergency Community Food Pantry of Franklin County. From its monthly plate offerings Calvary tithes to church missions and to a benevolent fund.  We also participate in the Annie Armstrong Easter (North American) Offering, Eliza Broadus (State) Offering, and the Lottie Moon Christmas (International) Offering supported through the Southern Baptist Convention.  


“Reach the One”


At Calvary we have an emphasis called “Reach the One”.  Each person has been asked to actively witness to one person for Christ - that one person God has placed on his or her heart.  Please pray, witness, and invite that person to come and worship with us.  Let us all “Reach the One”!  

“The only thing better than going to heaven ... is to take someone with you.”


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